In the last year or so I have been making a conscious effort to move over to an all natural beauty regime.  Strangely, eating natural wholesome foods has been the norm for me for years but this last little piece of the puzzle didn’t really slot into place till the start of this year.  Our skin absorbs what we are rubbing into it, of course!  So why have I been using products that contain words I can’t pronounce, and have huge warnings on them like; if this goes in your mouth call the doctor now or you will die (or something like that)  If it’s dangerous to have near my mouth, I probably don’t want to slab it all over my hungry skin two times a day.  All the products I use are cruelty free and have recyclable packaging which is a huge upgrade from what my bathroom used to look like a few years ago.  Today I am going to run through some of my bath time bebes, but I am going to make a huge effort to share more of my beauty swaps, toothpaste, deodorant, shampoo, moisturisers and all your bathroom essentials. I am really happy to finally say I love the products I use and feel that I have made a huge conscious upgrade.

My absolute bath time favourites are Goop and Votary.  I make my bath time as much of a ritual as I can, a way to wash off the day, clear my mind and have some well deserved me time.  I light some candles, surround myself with crystals and fill my bath with quite literally the best bath soak I have ever experienced; Phys.Ed. by Goop.  Phys.Ed. is a delicious blend of apple cider vinegar, turmeric and arnica, it’s the perfect post work out deep soak.  The smell is honestly like nothing else, even just having it in your bathroom makes your whole house smell like a sanctuary.  It feels very indulgent and is really the magic a hard working body needs.  Throw in the Goop dry brush and body scrub and it’s a real pampering party in there.

 On my face I like to let the Votary superseed facial oil soak in, it’s the best for my dry prone and irritable skin. I treat my eyes to the Votary intense eye oil for the whole at home spa experience.  To mix things up, my other fave bath friend is the Votary antidote night oil, which can be used as a bath oil and a body moisturiser before bed. I love massaging it in as it’s made with lavender and chamomile making for the best sleep.  If I was going to choose just one product from this bath time chapter it would be the antidote night oil, it’s honestly so dreamy.

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