It takes courage to grow up and be who you really are. I am so grateful to get to witness so many people’s courage on a daily basis. Honestly, I leave my classes thinking, I am so honoured to get to be in a space with so much love, unfolding, curiosity, play, investigation and JOY. And it’s not always easy, in fact it’s very often not easy to start the journey, but the fact is, you have. And THAT is amazing. Sometimes it’s a shock to the system for me when I step out somewhere like oxford street and see the huge unconscious, head down, angry face, rush rush rush culture because in my classes, we are undoing all of that, people really are waking up. You might say I am in a bubble but I know there is a huge shift happening and we are a part of that, don’t think your work is going unfelt. IT IS FELT! My day is centred around helping people, being creative, uplifting others and of course doing my own personal work and development. I see the most beautiful parts of this human existence, the vulnerability, the openness, and you know what, it teaches me this every single day….We are all the same, strip us down, we honestly are connected, just parts of one another, trying to find our way back home. I am so lucky to get to be on this journey with you. Goosebumps. Feelings of truth and connection and being centred truly in my purpose. Thanks for the opportunity? GRATEFUL HEART

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