Having a solo yoga practice is a really powerful and transformative thing. I am so grateful that I am equipped with all I need to sit and breathe, to flow, to practice every single day. It keeps me healthy. It gifts me the opportunity to meet myself each morning, New. Not just relying on what I knew about myself yesterday but allowing space for discovery and connection. I don’t know who or where i’d be if I didn’t get on my mat and breathe. BUT what I find again and again is that there are parts of the yoga community, though very connected to their own body/practice/mat, can be very isolated and disconnected from everything around them. My acro vinyasa training blew my heart open in so many ways that I was just not expecting, it made me see that sure, I’ve got a strong solo yoga practice but what the fuck is it if I can’t communicate it or connect it with everyone AND everything around me. WHAT AM I PRACTICING TOWARDS? Ever noticed at Triyoga, who claim themselves as the best YOGA centre in the country, it’s a little cold in there, and I don’t mean the temperature. Maybe it’s just me. But sometimes it feels like I really don’t belong in there, like I’ve rocked up to a party I wasn’t invited to. There are lots of flexible and strong people walking around London but that sure as hell does not make someone a yogi. My mission is to connect people to the actual yoga, get them looking in each other’s eyes, holding each other’s hands, showing up in those really really awkward and difficult moments. That’s where we grow! That’s where the healing is. That for me is the YOGA. So tonight, when you get home from work, know that if you are not going to a yoga class there still is every moment to practice yoga. Get straight into the shower and wash off your day. Hug whoever you live with, look them in the eye even when it feels awkward. Hold their gaze. Take your time making and eating wholesome non harmful food. Call someone you love and tell them you are thinking about them. Go to bed and say a prayer, make your life an act of kindness and be grateful for all that surrounds you. And for gods sake get off your mat and smile at someone who needs your warmth today! #YOGA

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